woman on bed typing on computer


Tirey Law Aug. 22, 2017

It might seem obvious that most people know how to behave properly at a funeral, but you would be surprised how many people do not!

Funerals are a strange thing to have on television comedy shows, but they are something of a staple. Almost every long-running comedy will eventually have a funeral show.

The trick for the writers is to come up with something funny, but not offensive.

The humor usually comes from the idea that whatever comedic bad thing that happens in the show’s funeral episode doesn’t happen in real life.   In real life, people at funerals act with proper, sober behavior.

Or so we thought.  But that is not always the case as Business Insider attests to in "I'm a funeral director -- screaming fights, drunken propositions, and blasting Nirvana are all part of my job."

The author of the article is a funeral director.

He goes through the many incidents of people acting inappropriately at wakes and funerals.  He includes everything from a woman showing up in a bikini and people ordering pizza, to family members getting into fights and much more.

He was even propositioned once by the deceased's drunk granddaughter.

While this might seem like a small issue, it is something that families should consider making sure does not happen at their funerals.  Bad behavior at funerals can lead to fights that spill over into handling the deceased's estate, which is not at all as funny as television comedies might portray.

Reference: Business Insider (July 25, 2017) "I'm a funeral director -- screaming fights, drunken propositions, and blasting Nirvana are all part of my job."